Restoration is real

(Today's SoulSnack is sequential to Wednesday's Losing sight of Jesus. It is drawn from John 21:15-19.)

Christianity is 'hard work', at times 'mighty, mighty hard work'. But Jesus' grace, love and righteousness is far stronger, eternally stronger. If any apostle required such good-will it was Peter.

Peter and six other apostles have just finished brekkie. Cooked fish was 'plated-up' by Jesus.

Peter's pre-crucifixion form was at best woeful:

  • even if all pass away on account of You, I never will 
  • I do not know 'the man'... (Mathew 26:33 & 69-75)

What did Peter feel subsequent to his triple denial of Jesus? Looking at Jesus now he surely was 'under more heat' than his breakfast fish.

Jesus checks in with Peter three times. Jesus questions:

  • Simon ... do you truly love me v15, v16, v17

Three times Jesus re-commissions Peter:

  • feed my lambs v15
  • take care of My sheep v16
  • feed My sheep v17

Jesus has cleaned Peter's 'rap sheet'. Each denial negated by each confession. In fact, Jesus has restored Peter as much in the six  other disciples' eyes as in Peter's own eyes. One restoration begets another. 

You too can be bathed in self-recrimination, but Jesus' loving call still lives unto your restoration. 

The Last Word:

God's gifts and God's call are irrevocable. (Romans 11:29)