Losing sight of Jesus

John's Gospel carries fresh insights the other three gospels do not contain. This is one.

With Easter now behind us we have John 21 to learn from, as the disciples too have that first Easter behind them. Today's SoulSnack is drawn from verses 1-14.

There are seven failing disciples fishing all night. Expert, professional fisherman only have empty nets. They meet Jesus for the third time since His resurrection, and curiously do not recognize Him. This meeting is around daybreak. 

The apostle Peter, that impulsive leader upon whom Jesus will build His church has led six other apostles astray, back to their old ways. How quickly they abandon Jesus' call, COME FOLLOW ME AND I WILL MAKE YOU FISHERS OF MEN. There is no surprise they fail now at fishing. But, when you are down to nothing you can be sure He will be up to something. 

Failure is not an impediment to Jesus but rather an unspoken invitation to call again.

Jesus said, throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some fish. When they did, they were unable to haul the net in... it was full of 153 large fish yet the net was not torn. (John 21:6 & 11)

Jesus standing on an unknown Galilean beach instructs these men in success. His guidance is simple (it always is)!

He who made the fish also knows where they are. 

The Last Word:

Jesus to this very day still approaches the failed, the forgetful and the hungry. It is in obedience He will feed them again.